Platt’s Trinity

Holy Trinity Church, Platt, at Manchester has a definite theme running through its architectural veins. Threesomes are found in many doors and windows. This is a representation of the trinity- the triune nature of the God of the Bible. Responding to the drab Unitarianism into which the once-great Platt Chapel had descended, Mr Thomas Worsley paid for the construction of a new Anglican church built upon sturdier Christological grounds.


Critics of the trinity lazily point out that the word is not found in scripture and that its meaning must also therefore be unscriptural. Presumably, these people also allow the use of injected heroine seeing as this is never explicitly prohibited by the Good Book. To deny the trinity is to demote the Lord Jesus to some lesser rank- a demi-god, an angel, a prophet, a persuasive teacher. To disbelieve the trinity is to reduce the Holy Spirit to an electrical current or expression of strength. To reject the trinity is to proclaim that the Father merely loved Himself before the creation of the worlds, formulating an eternal covenant with Himself regarding the future redemption of human beings.


I don’t need fancy windows and doors to remind me of Christ’s full deity and relationship to God the Father. A simple reading of the Bible makes this abundantly clear. Yet I salute Platt’s determination to earnestly contend for the faith once and for all delivered unto the saints.