Time & Locations
Sunday Morning Service starts at 10.45am
This is our main meeting of the week and begins at 10.45am. The pastor usually preaches though we have visiting preachers every few weeks. You wouild be advised to come for 10.30, as visitors who do not know the lanes are liable to take longer in their travel. Furthermore, arriving sooner will allow you to park nearer.
This is the only meeting for which parking might be diffcult, as cars park along the lane.
Sunday Evening Service starts at 6.00pm
We meet at 6pm and usually conclude it by 7.00pm.
Wednesday Midweek Service starts at 7.30pm
Meeting in the upper room, for an hour. Informal: a short, 10-15 minute Bible message, songs and open prayer.
Thursday Morning Bible Study starts at 11am
Cups of tea from 10.30am, then looking together at a Bible book, concluding at noon.
Thursday Afternoon Open Chapel from 12noon- 5pm
The chapel is open to look around, and/or to have a chat with the pastor, and share a warm drink.
Thursday Basic Bible Study starts at 6.30pm
For people wishing to look at the Bible in a simpler way, finishing before 7.15pm
Thursday Bible Study starts at 7.45pm
We look forward to the time when we can meet informally to go through a Bible passage in the upper room, meeting at 7.30pm for hot drinks, biscuits and cake. We finish at 9pm.
There are other meetings held during the month, such as the Craft Group, Men's Breakfast and the Saturday Fellowship: please check the bulletin on the blue bar to the right.
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