Upcoming Events

Spring Effort, Gift Day with Opening Service led by Mr Alan Marsden, followed by Cream Teas

Event Details

This year our Annual Spring Effort begins in the Chapel with a service at 3pm.

The committee plan to make a few changes to match Safeguarding criteria, including cream teas instead of buffet tea and so on....

Over the years the opener has been, for example, the WI President, a prominent community worker, someone from the regular worshippers, a member or a friend of the Chapel who has moved away: has forebears in the graveyard, someone who can speak on memories of Chapel attendance or some connections and can bring the gospel into their delivery.

However, sometimes it has been the privilege of a man to address the congregation as last year, when, evangelist Vinny Commons, known to the minister spoke before the minister declared the event open.

Over the years individual ladies or gentlemen have worked alone or with an associate or as part of a working party towards stalls and staging exhibition s of works of art.

At one time the monthly afternoon Bright Hour Meetings, that started and closed with devotions, provided an opportunity for fellowship and planning for the Spring Effort stalls.