Beauty in Death
Although the tulip is not my favourite flower, nevertheless, I must admit that a bunch of them does give pleasure, plus tremendous value for money as they last a long time – even if only purchased at the local supermarket and not personally at the more expensive Keukenhof gardens in Amsterdam. The popular meaning behind their name apparently being ‘perfect and deep love’, tulips are often given to someone for whom we have deep, unconditional love.
Looking straight, vibrant, and upright at first, eventually as the days pass, my beautiful, colourful tulips begin to droop and dry as the dying process begins to take over. Sadly, maybe weeks later, I concede to the inevitable - that death has occurred.
Shrivelled, yet still with colour; dead, yet in shape these tulips have been transformed into a beautiful work of art.
Beyond human love and, by far, of every love the best, is that which Almighty God has for the world - for you and me. But beauty in death?
When a Christian dies, Jesus Christ, welcomes them lovingly to their eternal home in heaven; a place he has prepared for all those who have repented of their sin, believe in Him, and have received Him as their Lord and Saviour.
‘Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.’ 2 Corinthians 5 v 8
‘Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints’. Psalm 116:15
Beauty in death.
Picture by Jonghoonmoon
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