Beauty at St Andrew's Church, Keighley

What is so beautiful about Keighley? Its parish church. And what is so beautiful about its church? Although it has possession of a stately tower along with a general neatness about it, it is only a Victorian building, constructed on the site of its older, more interesting predecessors. Its website states:

...Our main Sunday service which is lively and informal, with worship led by a band, good Biblical teaching and a warm welcome. The relaxed style makes it family-friendly...

‘Informal’, ‘lively’ and ‘relaxed’ may not be adjectives regularly applied to Salem Chapel, but I do not think this matters. ‘Good Biblical teaching’ certainly does. There is many an English parish church which is nothing but a museum, a civic concert venue, a fusty time warp, a wannabe Mass house, or a woke, virtue signal station. To have somewhere that teaches the Bible is a beautiful blessing for Keighley.

Those who fear You will be glad when they see me, Because I have hoped in Your word. Psalm 119:74