Biological Facts are Thought Crimes
Women don’t have pen***s. I’m not accustomed to discussing human biology in this blog, and I decided to employ asterisks to help avoid the wrong sort of traffic to our website. So why would I seek to elicit blushes among my gentle readers? A feminist group in Liverpool is currently being investigated by the police for making this bold claim on some stickers. The city’s mayor was keen to jump on the bandwagon, claiming all such stickers will be removed and the perpetrators referred to the police. So stating that women do not possess male reproductive organs may now be a crime in Liverpool.
The feminist group, the ReSisters, is presumably wary of men who self-identity as women sharing women’s toilets and changing rooms- and understandably so. It’s not often I agree with radical feminism, but this group is certainly making a valid stand. What other statements of fact are we no longer allowed to make? Which other observations might see us subjected to criminal investigation? Which other thought-criminals does the mayor of Liverpool wish to silence? In 1975, Ronald Reagan is said to have remarked: “If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.” It’s already on Britain’s doorstep.
For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work.
2 Thess. 2:7
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay
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