Care Inspectorate: Indoctrinating Children
Why are so many cloth heads in charge of our public bodies? The guidance from the Care Inspectorate, the organisation which inspects Scottish social services, has told providers of children’s care not to use such heinous terms as ‘boys and girls’. It warns against using words such as ‘manmade’ and desires staff change story characters such as ‘Mr Squirrel’ to ‘Squirrel’. It also urged staff to tell girls that ‘it’s ok to get angry’ and to boys ‘it’s ok to feel scared’. The Care Inspectorate might ask why so many Scottish children might be feeling scared and angry to start with. This quango justifies its position stating: “The role that early learning and childcare can have in positively promoting gender equality can’t be overstated”.
As Scottish church minister David Robertson remarks “The Care Inspectorate are no longer about inspecting care standards, they’re about inspecting doctrine”. He’s spot on. The Care Inspectorate is more like some Soviet-era People’s Commissariat, charged with ensuring the populace are suitably supportive of the government’s latest ideology.
Remember, governments come and go; ideologies wax and wain, ‘but the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.’ (1 Peter 1:25)
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