Dorset Earl Grey Tea

I was recently given a couple of sealed bags of Dorset Earl Grey tea. I found them refreshing, though I doubt I could taste anything distinctive or redolent of that fair county, which I have visited only the once when I called at Shaftesbury in the autumn. Its online description, however, struck me:

Our Earl Grey uses the best quality black tea blended with fresh citrus and zesty bergamot flavour for a tea as refreshing as a walk through a Dorset garden at dawn. 100% of the tea used in our Earl Grey tea is from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ Farms. Each pack contains 20 biodegradable tea sachets, total weight 40gms.

I cannot think of anything less like Dorsetshire than a rainforest, but walking through one of its gardens at dawn I thought rather romantic. Perhaps it is better than that, for was not the Lord God heard walking through Eden in the cool of the day? Adam should have been walking with Him, accounting for the day's work and sharing his plans for the morrow, but his newly-found sinful nature had him hiding and lurking, instead. The gospel brings us out of hiding, away from the shadows, right out into the open, where with God we may commune. Now I’ll raise a cup of Dorset Tea to toast that.

The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: they that dwelled in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isaiah 9:2, Geneva Bible