Dressing for Hell

Many today and this coming weekend will be dressed as ghouls, ghosts and devils to celebrate the eve of All Hallows. Another peculiar development in Halloween’s cultural impetus, and another interesting measure of our land’s de-Christianisation, is the prevalence of people pretending to be murder victims or serial killers. Truly, Halloween is as great a celebration of human evil as anything paranormal or demonic. Although I am troubled by certain Christians engaging in such foolery (while pious Muslim families appear firmer in their resolve to abstain from it), I do not marvel that unbelievers and Christ-rejectors engage in this macabre mummery. Most of them are heading to a godless eternity, inhabiting a place made for the devil and his angels; there, they shall share company with ‘dogs and sorcerers, sexually immoral, murderers and idolaters’: let them attire accordingly. I was once advised to “dress for the job I wanted, and not the job that I had”. So may the ungodly dress up for the place where they are going, and let Christ’s people wear clean and sober clothes, not chains, masks, wounds or skulls.

"He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” Revelation 22:11, NKJV