The end of an era
‘It’s the end of an era!’ Several people have said that to me when referring to events which have taken place in my life over recent weeks and I’m sure they are right. That, however, has made me think about all the other ‘eras’ which have ended – and begun – over past years.
Perhaps the earliest is one which I can no longer remember, though I have seen it many times in other young lives. Indeed, only a short time ago little Joshua objected strongly to being offered food other than milk, but now he is happily eating all sorts of things, enjoying a variety of flavours and textures (as well as keeping an eye on other people in case what they have might be tastier!). One era has ended, another has begun. What would he have lost had he refused to accept and embrace the new, and remained in the old era? How stunted would his growth have been?
And so throughout life! Sometimes the end of an era is expected, sometimes welcomed, sometimes unexpected, sometimes unwelcome. Yet all the time God is moving us on, teaching us, causing us to grow – and always for our good and to bring us to something better. Not necessarily in terms of our circumstances or physical well-being, but rather in terms of our character and our sanctification. And one day the final earthly era will end, and the new, never-ending era will begin: with Christ, which is far better.
But until that time, the new era may be one that causes sadness, or disappointment, or trials of one kind or another. In such cases, how should we react? We have, I suggest, a choice. We can choose to look back longingly – if only things were still as they had been- or even complainingly – why has God allowed this or that to happen. Or we can choose to trust the wisdom of our loving Father, who knows all things, and whose way is perfect, and we can seek to glorify Him in our situation.
Just as King David did, in fact:
Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, nor with things too profound for me.
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother: like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord, from this time forth and forever -Psalm 131
Father, I know that all my life
Is portioned out for me.
The changes that are sure to come
I do not fear to see;
I ask Thee for a present mind
Intent on pleasing Thee.
I would not have the restless will
That hurries to and fro,
That seeks for some great thing to do,
Or secret thing to know;
I would be treated as a child,
And guided where I go.
I ask Thee for the daily strength,
To none that ask denied;
A mind to blend with outward life,
While keeping at Thy side;
Content to fill a little space,
If Thou be glorified.
-Anna L Waring
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