Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Aw, Shucks! I’m a fortnight too late. Applications for The Diversity and Inclusion Manager post at ‘University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust’ closed on 20th April. So what attracted me to the job? Was it the advert’s eloquent patter?
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a high performing and dynamic individual to join us in developing and delivering a key programme of work to drive the Trust's ambition and vision of being committed to inclusion in everything we do.
In line with the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the post holder will develop, lead on and evaluate a programme of work integral to the organisational development plan, focusing in particular on diversity and inclusion. The post holder will ensure the programme is delivered in accordance with the Trust’s Strategy, Vision, Values and desired culture to ensure that the Trust is equipped to provide a world class patient experience and a great place to work for its staff.
Who wouldn’t want to make visiting the hospital a ‘world class’ experience? Perhaps the successful applicant will arrange a hotel to be built and invite tourists from around the globe to fly over to sample ‘world class’ colonoscopies and ear syringing. To be fair, I think this is what happens in NHS hospitals already.
Sadly, the rest of the spiel left me head-scratching. Managerial gobbledegook, plans, strategies, programmes and deliveries thereof. The meaning is about as clear as the glass in a public lavatory. Perhaps that is the point. We unschooled folk could never possibly understand why cash-strapped hospitals amid a world pandemic can still fork out for diversity managers and equality supremos. What vital, life-saving tasks these high brahmins of the establishment must perform.
If the wording doesn’t excite you, the salary of £44,606 - £50,819 per annum surely will. This compares very favourably with a staff nurse whose post on the same site is advertising £24,907 - £30,615. I know which one’s efforts I would rather observe when I’m on a ventilator coughing up my guts.
Equality, inclusion and diversity mean well. They come from the noble assumption that people should be treated fairly. Yet it’s mushroomed into an entire bureaucratic, school-marmy industry, with many pots on the boil, many axes grinding away. The real basis of each human’s intrinsic worth -and therefore equality of value- is their being made in God’s image. Yet this wonderful Biblical foundation for equality is surely ignored and disdained by the equality brigade’s busy practitioners.
You are of immense value and should be treated fairly, not because of some banal mission statement or a thick folder of policies at company headquarters. You are valuable because you made by a God who desires your company for eternity.
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son. The gospel is for all, regardless of religious upbringing, orientation, colour or gender. Heaven will be populated by all varieties of people, but all there courtesy of the same Saviour on the same rugged cross inspired by the same love and grace.
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.Acts 17:30 ESV
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