
Did you know that the freesia stands for unconditional love? Traditionally, ‘a married couple will exchange white freesias on their seventh anniversary as a symbol of their pure, genuine love’. Not being of a romantic bent, nor married, I might be forgiven for not knowing this. I suspect that much we read of flowers and their associations is simply made up by cunning florists.

The freesia is actually native to South Africa, where it was originally called Cape lily-of-the-valley, until a botanist named it after a friend, Dr Freese in 1830. Although we English better know another plant (Convallaria majalis) by that name, Freesia may also remind us of Christ, as Song of Solomon 2:1 testifies:

I am the rose of Sharon,

And the lily of the valleys.

Freesia is a sweet and a fragrant flower with a strong scent. Jesus has a sweetness in His ministry for He gave "himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour" (Ephesians 5:2).