Full Re-opening: From 20/7/21
The regulations regarding lockdowns were eased on Monday. Consequently, at last night’s deacons’ meeting, it was decided that:
The Thursday night Bible Study will take place live at chapel from 22/7/21 and will remain so until further notice.
The Sunday afternoon 4pm service will come to an end after this Sunday. Anyone wishing to keep especially safe may join us at our sparsely attended mid-week and Sunday evening services, or hear recordings of them via the website.
Refreshments may be served after the services on a Sunday.
All pews will be available to occupy and people may sit where they wish. However, sanitizer will still be available by the entrance and exit, and the pews will be sprayed after the morning meeting. Masks are no longer compulsory though anyone wishing to wear them will and must be respected.
Anyone wishing to keep apart from others will be free to use the upper room where the meeting will continue to be relayed by video. Children may also be using that space.
Anyone feeling unwell or displaying Covid symptoms is asked to remain at home, in accordance with government advice.
The pastor's weekly email detailing passwords and links will cease after this week. The regular church bulletin can be read here: https://martintop.org.uk/multimedia/bulletins
The Book Club/reading group will remain a fortnightly, online meeting.
Church fellowship meals will begin from September, allowing time for the kitchen to be thoroughly cleaned.
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
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