Great Bridges: Millennium

London’s Millennium Bridge spans the Thames between the City and Southwark. Its construction sums up late twentieth and early twenty-first century Britain: it opened a month late and was then closed for nearly two years to fix the wobbling sensation caused by those walking across it (also known as ‘unexpected lateral vibration’). Nevertheless, though modern and sleek in its design, it offers a fabulous view of St Paul’s Cathedral and much else of London. The bridge itself is interesting if not beautiful, but from it one beholds much that is. And whatever one thinks about its initial engineering or design, it does now work.

Our churches might be small and imperfect, but they bring God's people together for the purpose of growth and mutual encouragement. They might not impress the observer, but they offer fabulous views and prospects of One who is truly wondrous and magnificient to know and behold.