The Green Ginger Warning

One of the trendiest places to shop in Tynmouth is the Green Ginger Shopping Arcade. It's full of little stalls selling expensive, handcrafted products and quirky luxuries. The shop keepers based there look well educated and suave, the men with goatee beards and retro glasses, the women with short hair and colourful bead necklaces. The building itself has a busy ground floor and a lovely, large balcony, home to yet more trendy shops. Painted onto the wall, high up, are the words 'God is love'. This quotation from John was not erected at the behest of the hipster tenants, but the building's original users: it was a church. In fact it was the town's Congregational church. Charming though the girl selling my pricey, artisan ice cream was, I could not help feeling apprehensive. Here was once a congregation of God's people, but its lampstand was removed:
Revelation 2:5: Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.

May we all heed the Green Ginger warning.