Head of Racial Justice Priority

Anglican vicars in the diocese of London, who earn around £31,644 per annum, will be pleased to learn of an exciting, new job opportunity on their very doorsteps which pays double their current rate. For £66k, they may ‘lead the Diocese of London’s priority of a more racially-just Church’. Part of the role will involve:

Giv[ing] greater attention to ‘truth telling’ that seeks to address the historical legacy of slavery and challenge systemic racism

and to help

foster a culture within the Diocese of London that is built on love, fairness, equity, justice, collaboration, and integrity.

Telling the truth. Love. Fairness. Justice. Integrity. I’m sure there is an old book somewhere which speaks of such things. Perhaps all those vicars who earn half as much, and whose buildings are falling down around them, have heard of it and can send the lucky new appointee in its general direction.