Hetton Chapel Duly Purchased

I am pleased to report that at midday yesterday, the ownership of Hetton Chapel was finally transferred, and that Martin Top will hopefully be planting a new congregation in the southern Yorkshire Dales. There is some work to be done on the grounds and to the building (we shall host a cleaning day and informal open day on Saturday 2nd November 10-3pm), and the business of sourcing furniture etc, is already begun. The sound system, the majority of chairs and other items were removed by the previous owners, but we are grateful that they left us lightbulbs, carpets and the paint on the walls.

I look forward to sharing more about the work at Hetton Chapel in due course. Furthermore, we are praying about the possibility of opening an evangelical witness in Colne or Burnley in the next few years, and would appreciate your prayers in that regard, too.