Jog On 2

What does one wear to jog? Tracksuit bottoms, of course. Yet when I wore them, my legs’ perspiration was unable to evaporate, and I returned wet and sticky. I therefore selected some shorts for the proceeding ordeal. Most of my pairs are denim or tailored, neither of which seemed appropriate. I found a pair made of a light fabric with a blue polka dot pattern. Not terribly stylish, but unnoticeable at a distance. I began jog Number Two in my dotty shorts, carefully checking that my keys, wallet and phone were safely deposited in the various pockets.

Disaster nearly struck. Within a minute or so, the shorts began to slip…the accumulated weight and the violence of my shake made gravity work its power on the wretched garment. Taking all my usual paraphernalia was a mistake. I quickly emptied my pockets and held their contents in my hands, completing my run with my clothes in the correct places. The law was upheld, and the goodwives of Barnoldswick were spared their blushes.

The next time, I took a loose key and nothing else. A wallet is a good thing to take upon leaving a home; one never knows when one might need it. A phone is also a good companion; one cannot guess when a call might have to be made or photographic evidence collected. But jogging, by and large, is best performed with light pockets and open hands.

Remember all the good things that you own: not one of them you can take with you beyond the grave. And if they inhibit your walk with Jesus, you would do well to be rid of them sooner than later.  

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? Luke 9:25, NKJV