Kha-Inpu and his False Door to False Hope
This is a false limestone door, which includes an inscription to its owner, one Kha-Inpu, an Egyptian priest. He operated at a temple close to the royal pyramids of Niuserre and Neferifkare who reigned around 2400BC. He would pass through this door in order to perform magic rituals that would keep the spirits of the deceased kings alive. The door was secret because thieves and malignants were ever seeking means to enter the pyramids and hamper the kings' afterlives.
Little wonder the ancient Egyptians were so concerned with their afterlife. Their eternal bliss depended on all sorts of things happening (and not happening) after their deaths. What if Kha-Inpu slept in one morning? What if thieves found his secret door?
There's a parallel here with Roman Catholicism. Priests and laity continue to offer prayer and rituals on behalf of the dead, relieving them of the purging flames and hastening their repose. Likewise, Mormons seek to baptise dead ancestors that their afterlives might be improved. I thank God that my eternal security is dependent upon Christ and His finished work upon the cross. I need no priests, be they Egyptian, Roman or Mormon to keep my soul in the state of bliss to which it will have grown accustomed.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3
The limestone door is on display at the Manchester Museum.
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