At Stamford’s Burghley House in Lincolnshire is displayed a large piece of magnetite. Magnetite is a very dense iron ore that is easily magnetised, often naturally by the earth's magnetic field. These magnetic properties led to its use as a 'lodestone', which is an early form of directional compass. The name 'lodestone' comes from the old English word 'lode' meaning 'lead', or it may be archaic word for ‘way’ or ‘journey’. This piece of magnetite came from a mine in far eastern Siberia and is one of the heaviest natural materials found on earth.
Lodestones both direct the way and attract to themselves. When we become a Christian, the Lord Jesus becomes strangely, unaccountably attractive, for He makes us desire Him. Furthermore, He directs us to find Him, and then shows us the way to be with Him.
All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out… No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.
-John 6:37, 44, New King James Version
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