The Lord Gave and the Lord Taketh Away (1888)
Frank Holl’s 1888 painting The Lord Gave and the Lord Taketh Away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord, has a line of scripture for its title, namely Job 1:21. For obvious reasons, there is scarcely a funeral in Christendom in which its words are not repeated. In Holl’s painting, we see a family, including children, all wearing the black of mourning. A clergyman, presumably quoting Job, stands in the place of the departed father, while those still present meditate upon their loss.
Many find themselves angry at God for this or for that. We expect Him to keep us happy and well provisioned, but seem content enough to live our lives apart from His laws and in ignorance of His will. When we have all we want, we are self-sufficient and mighty pleased with ourselves; when a loved one or loved thing gets taken, we play the innocent victim and accuse God of mismanagement, or dishonesty, or worse. Of this, however, we may be certain: His name is still blessed even if your loved one is taken. His name is worthy of praise even if He does not give you the desires of your heart. So praise Him for who He is, not for what you have, and when you do so, you will better understand your place in the big, wide cosmos. Remember that God does not owe you anything, anything at all. Any good thing we have is entirely by His undeserved grace and favour:
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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