Lord Lieutenant & High Sheriff

I received a letter and certificate last week from Lord Shuttleworth, the county’s Lord Lieutenant. It was to commemorate the number of years I had served as Justice of the Peace. There are two rather dignified and ancient offices in Lancashire, the Lord Lieutenant, who was originally tasked with ensuring the county was suitably defended, and the High Sheriff, currently Edwin Booth of the supermarket chain, who saw to its legal affairs. I therefore wrote to Lord Shuttleworth, thanking him for his communication, but politely wondering why it came from him and not the High Sheriff, seeing as a JP’s work is essentially legal and voluntary. His reply was duly received, and explained that whereas both offices are appointed by Her Majesty, only the Lord Lieutenant actually represents her. My curiosity satisfied, I considered it and its application to we Christians.

Each believer is appointed by the King. Saving faith is a gift from God and not just the conclusion reached by an intelligent consideration of the facts. Yet He also appoints us as His representatives, His ambassadors. We are therefore doubly honoured, Christ’s very own Lord Lieutenants in this fallen world. Some of us even lead churches, and find ourselves defending His truth and His folk from external attack, much as the old Lords Lieutenant were employed. Humility becomes the Christian, but he should still marvel at the two wonders of his state- the grace of his calling and the excellency of the One whom he represents.