Metro Mayor’s Metro Elitism

Steve Rotherham is the 'metro-mayor' of the Liverpool region, a silly job title for an important part of the country. He is all upset because Franklin Graham is coming to his great city and bringing the good news of Jesus Christ. He has written to local bus companies demanding they remove adverts for the evangelistic event. In those letters, he writes:

“There is no place for discrimination of any form in a civil society – and that should include your buses. I would ask that you remove these advertisements with immediate effect.”

Does Mr Rotherham not realise that he is himself discriminating against evangelical Christians? Has he had a brain transplant? On his own metro-mayoral website, he coos:

“Sometimes people in power, and elected politicians, can become distant and disconnected. I stood for Metro Mayor to make a difference where it really matters – in the place I was born and will always call home. My vision is based on a set of core ideas that define what kind of region we want to be – a region that is ambitious, fair…

Fair? Mr Rotherham is behaving in a most unfair way, discriminating against Christians’ right to share their faith, speak their mind and advertise their events. Rotherham’s style of running his region would be applauded in North Korea or Iran. This elected politician is certainly making a difference where it matters, opposing religious freedom. I once liked Steve; he seemed honest and refreshing. It turns out he is just another centre-left cardboard cut-out, loudly banging the equality drum while writing to bus companies to ask they engage in discriminatation.

Shame on Steve Rotherham. May the great area around Liverpool elect a better person than him to lead them. I hope they look for something better. 

Image by sue davies from Pixabay 


Mr Rotherham had the grace to reply to my complaint, in which he concluded:

As I said in my letter, I see our region’s diversity as one of its greatest strengths and I stand in solidarity with those communities targeted by Mr Graham’s rhetoric.

There is no place for discrimination based on race, religion, or sexuality in a civil society, including on our buses. This is why I have asked bus companies to remove adverts promoting Mr Graham’s work.

Thanks again for sharing your views on this issue with me. Whilst I appreciate that you may not agree with this position, I hope this response has been helpful. 

Best wishes,

Steve Rotheram
Mayor of the Liverpool City Region