A New Government
The polls closed at 10pm, yesterday. I have minimised my comment on the General Election as I did not wish to influence regulars’ voting one way or another. The outcome has been fairly obvious for months, with the Labour Party likely to form His Majesty’s Government, supported by what may be the biggest parliamentary majority since 1832. Much as I have personally thought that the Conservatives have been looking tired and deserving of a rest, a government with an ineffective or tiny opposition is seldom good for the country. On Sunday morning, I shall lead prayer for the new Prime Minister and government, that it would rule with wisdom and allow the faithful people of God to lead peaceable, quiet lives.
The spectre of prosecutions for the practice of ‘conversion therapy’ (whatever that means) is likely to loom larger in the next couple of years and the Pride movement, which advanced under the Tories, is likely to prosper all the more. On the other hand, a greater sympathy for those struggling to pay bills may be found in Whitehall and policies to curb utility and rail companies’ profits for the public good are likely to be pursued. This new government, however, much like the one that replaced the previous Labour administration, is going to find it difficult to pay its bills. Although the economy is recovering and starting to grow, tax receipts are inadequate for the existing raft of commitments, never mind the ones the new Cabinet are likely to add.
However, we voted, and whatever our pleasure, fear or ambivalence regarding the result, let us pray for those in authority.
Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. 1 Timothy 2:1-3, New King James Version
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