Normanton Church

Normanton Church, formerly St Matthew’s parish church, sits serenely and stately by the edge of Rutland Water. It is now an ‘exclusive’ civil wedding location, one which has rather more grandeur than the average registry office but without the requisite clergyman. It has transitioned, curiously, from rich man’s mausoleum to elegant couples’ wedding venue of choice. Its website reckons it the county’s premier landmark but this is, at least in part, because the local, ducal castle at Belvoir contentedly sits across the border in Leicestershire.

I viewed the ex-church from the vantage point afforded by Rutland Belle, a pleasure craft which tours the waters. Until it was compromised by the boat’s gentle waves, there was a rather wonderful reflection in the waters surrounding it. Another still, sunny day without water traffic would surely have warranted an even more impressive image.

It strikes me that churches, actual ones, have reflective qualities. They either reflect the values and thinking of the fallen world of which they are part, or they reflect the glory, dignity and holiness of Christ, whose bride they are. They cannot, I am certain, reflect both.

As in water face reflects face, so a man’s heart reveals the man. Proverbs 27:19