One Be Their Views, Their Aim, Their End

It was our privilege this week to have Mr and Mrs L worship with us, morning and evening. Recently married, they were honeymooning in the area. I hope they enjoyed the green hills and narrow lanes, and each other's undiluted company. This week, we shall be requesting God’s blessing upon that marriage in our prayer meeting.

Marriage is a gift from God to our race, while a specifically Christian marriage is a beautiful picture of Christ and His Bride, the Church. Little wonder the Enemy would seek to demean, despise and re-define it. 

Great God of order, truth, and grace,

Fountain of social joys,

Shine with thy sweet approving smile,

And crown the nuptial ties.


Look on the now united pair,

And O, the union bless;

Here may true friendship ever reign,

In firmest bonds of peace.


May each the other kindly help

To run the shining road;

Join with delight in prayer and praise,

And ever cleave to God.


May both be fired with one concern

For one eternal prize;

And warmest zeal their souls inflame

For joys beyond the skies.


One be their views, their aim, their end,

Pure heavenly bliss to prove,

Meeting at last around the throne,

To reign in realms of love.


There may we all with them unite

In one harmonious song;

And one pure anthem swell the joys

Of one celestial throng.


-R. Burnham, No 1153, in Gadsby's Hymns