Open Air: Shadows In The Sun
The sun is shining in my home town, but the motorway takes us into the mist and then into low-lying cloud. However, by the time we’re in Manchester, the sun is out again. There is no wind to speak of, so I can put my scarf in my bag and leave my combat jacket open.
How strange we look on the GoPro! The slanting winter light illuminates everything in front of us, so that we’re no more than dark shadows, silhouettes against a brightly-lit background of flagstones and shop frontage. It’s just the two of us for now, and I’m on first.
I’ve written a new O.A. address for today - the work of several hours condensed into a single sheet of notes, then cut up and Blu Tacked into my little bible. “What Happens When We Die” is its cheerful title, inspired, I’m sad to say, by various reports of illness, dying, and death received over the Christmas period. Before I began, I listened to several sermons by the redoubtable Dr E. A. Johnston, which helped to shape and solidify my thoughts.
Here we go, then…
Travellers pass by, pulling their luggage along behind them. Cycles and scooters whizz past, weaving in and out of knots of pedestrians. Shoppers with carrier bags duck into and out of the shops. Lycra-clad athletes lope along and away down Market Street. Sunshine reflected from shop windows dazzles me at intervals as I press on without a single listener - or so it seems…
As I ask whether we’re able see that, in our natural state, we are “the wicked” in the eyes of an utterly holy God, an emphatic “No!” rings out from a curious cove on my right. He’s bald-headed and bulky, with a dark coat open over a white tee shirt which is stretched tight by his considerable embonpoint. The tee shirt says “God bless the Princess of Wales”. His jogging pants narrow down to cuffs above his ankles, making his lower limbs look too thin to support his weight. He carries a white stick, although he doesn’t seem to be blind.
He says he’s a street pastor, S. by name. I wonder why he thinks he isn’t a sinner. Has he misunderstood me? But, as he approaches, I turn him over to Stephen, because now is not the time for a detailed discussion. I’ve got to get on. He says hello to Stephen, then listens for a few minutes, and then he asks him for a free bible! And then he’s gone. Curious, indeed!
And here comes Janette. Stephen goes to greet her and hands her a bundle of tracts. I’m almost done - but I pause for an exchange of jokes with a couple of cheerful young men, as I try to engage their attention. Sometimes it works well; but, not today, alas.
As Stephen begins, our street pastor acquaintance returns to listen to him. We exchange a few words, but he’s not very forthcoming, so I carry on tracting. He stands a few yards away, scanning the passing throng. Stephen has more listeners than I did, including a young man in black who doffs his baseball cap to listen, then dons it once again as he departs. My tracts are going out very slowly, but I see that Janette is already in earnest conversation with someone. That’s good!
A stroppy gent starts shouting. “Shurrup! I’m tryin’ ter lissen ter mi music!” He’s miles away, which suggests that he needs a better pair of earbuds. Stephen speaks on, and I notice that he’s getting deeper into the theology of the death of our Lord than usual. I’m distracted by S., who comes to ask how often we’re here, and whether we - but all of a sudden he recognises a couple who’ve approached to take a tract from me, and he dashes off after them, calling out “She wants to find Jesus!” over his shoulder as he goes.
It’s my turn again, and the light has shifted to my left, which gives a surreal look to the GoPro video - as if an impossibly low sun were shining up towards us from down on Market Street. I’d rather our illumination came from the Word of God, and I say as much as I draw attention to the state of our land and the moral bankruptcy of our leaders. Stephen checks our camera, which has been a little temperamental of late. Well, it’s one of the earliest GoPros, so it’s done pretty well, I’d say.
Where is Peter? I’m sure I saw him arriving a while ago, but I can’t just spot him now. There’s quite a crowd of Deliveroo riders gathered over on my right, obscuring my view of McDonald’s, which is where he usually stands. I quote the third verse of “Rock Of Ages”, remembering that - by some strange coincidence - our pastor was moved to refer to that very same verse on the Sunday after I’d written this address.
A lanky youth stops and leans against a nearby bollard to listen. Stephen is in conversation with a hirsute young man, who doesn’t seem to be pleased with what he hears. He turns abruptly and stalks away after a few minutes. It occurs to me that I’ve gone on for too long, so I leave out a couple of sections of my notes and speed through to the conclusion, addressing any and all of the young people within the sound of my voice and telling them - on the authority of scripture - just what it is that their future must surely hold.
And then I’m done.
Stephen closes for us, but when I go to retrieve the camera at the end, I find that it has cut out and failed to record most of what he had to say. Oh well - my laptop gave up the electronic ghost on Christmas Eve, so perhaps the GoPro is thinking of retiring as well.
But we aren’t, until our Lord makes it clear that it’s time. And I’m already looking forward to going out again next Wednesday.
Please pray, if you would, for the following folk, along with all those who heard something of the gospel during the first Open Air of this new year.
R., who stopped by to give me a Christmas card on our last outing of 2024. His wife’s serious illness and his son’s addictions are still weighing him down, but, nevertheless, he thanks God for all His mercies.
A., a decorator, who stopped to help Peter give out tracts during his lunch hour, and took some with him to give to his work colleagues.
J., a student from London, who spoke to Peter, along with a Romanian family to whom he witnessed.
Brendan, our old and faithful friend. He is in a very weak condition due to his illness, but still in good spirits.
Janette, who comes out to help so regularly, but who is having some considerable trouble with family members at present.
Join us next Wednesday if you can. Please pray for us, if our Lord puts it upon your heart to do so.
Every blessing!
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