Praying for Election '17
Tomorrow evening, we shall spend some of our Bible Study time praying for our nation and the outcome of the general election. We shall not be endorsing any particular individual or party; our chapel membership includes a spectrum of political shading.
Theresa May, the Conservative leader, has seemingly squandered her massive lead in the polls. Unpopular social care announcements, a seemingly wooden personality and her absence from the leaders’ debates seem to have cost her much support. Her incessantly repeating the phrase ‘strong and stable leadership’ has begun to grate upon the ears. At the time of writing, the polls still suggest a victory, but not one of substance. She only needs to lose six seats, and she’s out of office.
Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand has come across as more personable and is certainly inspiring his own supporters. The number of Labour posters displayed in Hebden Bridge this week made one feel like a delegate at the party conference. Snapping at his heels, however, are some unfortunate quotes from the past apparently offering support for the IRA and other violent groups, as well as his choice of Home Secretary, Ms Dianne Abbot. This woman does more to help the Tory cause than Mrs May.
The other parties cannot form a government, but are greedily positioning themselves to help Mr Corbyn form a majority, and thereby promote their own pet causes.
Jeremiah 29:7 states ‘But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.’ Our citizenship may be above, but our current sojourn is in Great Britain. May God provide us with wise leaders, strong and stable, for the many and not the few.
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