Roger Carswell

A number of folk came to me over the weekend to say how interesting and thought-provoking Roger Carswell's sermon had been. Of course when one preaches the gospel, this is the reaction one ought to expect. Yet how many times have we been to special events and the message was badly presented: too long, or too dull, or too serious, or too comical. Roger got it spot on.  

He has his own website: and has authored many Christian books. Rather than write up a brief biography of him here, you might find it easier to just type his name into Google; he comes up straight away. 
My best memory of him was 16 years ago when he would come round to our student digs in Leeds every Friday night and lead a Bible study. I knew it was good at the time, but with hindsight it was pure gold. What a privilege. 
You can hear his message here: . It begins with a Bible reading by a local Councillor.