Soon the sun came out...

It snowed the other evening.  By bedtime, a blanket of white covered the village.  It was still there the next morning, but soon the sun came out and where the rays of the sun reached, there the snow melted. 

With a bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds, everywhere looked really rather lovely.  As the lady I passed on my way to town remarked, “It’s the sun that makes the difference!”

I found myself remembering something we used to sing round the piano when we were children:

There is sunshine in my soul today,

More glorious and bright

Than glows in any earthly sky;

For Jesus is my Light...

Surely He is the Sun that really makes the difference!

But to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.  (Malachi 4:2a)

Eternal Sun of Righteousness,

Display Thy beams divine,

And cause the glories of thy face

Upon my heart to shine.


Light in Thy light O may I see,

Thy grace and mercy prove,

Revived and cheered and blessed by Thee,

The God of pardoning love.


Lift up Thy countenance serene,

And let Thy happy child

Behold, without a cloud between,

The Godhead reconciled.


That all-comprising peace bestow

On me, through grace forgiven;

The joys of holiness below,

And then the joys of heaven.


-Charles Wesley