Tartin Mop: Our Mother, who art in Heaven


We at Tartin Mop are determined to stamp out patriarchy and gender inequality in every aspect of our church. This is quite easy as so few men actually come now, but we have rewritten the so called ‘Lord’s Prayer’ to better reflect our more advanced theological correctness. We hope you will enjoy saying it in your own private and corporate devotions.

Our Mother, who art in heaven,

hallowed be their name;

thy Queendom come;

our will be done;

on earth as it is not in heaven.

Give us this day our artisan bread,

And forgive us our institutional gender bias,

as we forgive those who were born male.

And lead us not into truth,

but deliver us from scripture.

For ours is the Queendom,

the corruption of the story,

for ever and ever.



Yours Wokely,

Rev Dr Ms Alana Denmars (she/hers),

Ichabod Chapel, Tartin Mop

Image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay