There's a Way Back to God
Out walking with my uncle, we encountered a public right of way so thickly choked with brambles that anyone attempting to exercise their right would be cut to ribbons. Still, the sign was in good condition, but I imagine it is a different municipal department which cuts back brambles to the one that looks after signs.
We humans were designed to have relationship with God, and therefore access to Him. Yet sin, that corrupted state into which we are mired, prevents our entry. False religions and spiritualities offer alternative routes, even alternative gods, but they do no good. It is Christ Jesus who came and cleared the way back to God the Father, bearing the piercings and cuts of Calvary, that the path to heaven might become available once more to Adam’s fallen heirs. Thankfully, the signs to bring us back to God are still clear, for God’s word, the Bible, is so readily available.
There's a way back to God from the dark paths of sin;
There's a door that is open and you may go in:
At Calvary's cross is where you begin,
When you come as a sinner to Jesus.
-E.H. Swinstead
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