The Twelve Tellers

The Twelve Tellers is a public house opposite Preston Minster in an Edwardian former Lloyd’s Bank building. Its website declares:

The Wetherspoon pub delivers a no-frills pub experience in the grand setting of a Grade II listed building, and former bank, built in the 1900s.

A frill-less experience in a grand setting seems a little contradictory, but its patrons, who can be observed smoking fags on the pavement outside, possibly confirm it.

A teller is a bank employee who handles customers’ cash and queries, yet I could not but draw parallels between this pub's name and the twelve apostles who spent their lives telling people about Jesus the Christ. Eventually, their followers met in grand buildings and cathedrals, but their message, if faithful and true, remained plain and simple, as did the bulk of its adherants. I suspect that the landlord makes less money than the bankers who previously occupied the address, but the followers of Christ are far wealthier, at least in the currencies and accounts of the world to come.

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life. Matthew 19:29, NKJV