The Unholy Trinity
I have been reading Vern Poythress’ ‘Guide to the Book of Revelation’ (The Returning King, published back in 2000) ahead of a potential series of Bible Studies or sermons. He makes some interesting points about Revelation’s protagonists. The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet are a counterfeit Trinity, a corruption of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Whereas God the Father planned redemption, God the Son executed it, and the Holy Spirit witnesses and draws to it, the former three perform similar functions. Satan the Dragon devises the Lie, the Beast enacts it and the False Prophet proclaims it. Similararly, the great Prostitute of Babylon is the wicked counterfeit of the Church, who is Christ’s pure Bride. The harlot is false religion and its various false gospels. The Beast who appears to be the most visible manifestation of Satan’s delusion crudely parodies the Lord Jesus. Whereas Christ was crucified and rose from the dead, for example, the Beast appears to have been mortally wounded, yet survived. His global worshippers go on to proclaim:
“Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev 13:4)
The message of the book of Revelation gives an answer to each of these rhetorical questions: ‘Not the Lord Jesus!’, addresses the first, and ‘The Lord Jesus!’ answers the second!
Revelation is a complex and mysterious book, but its main theme and doctrine is clear: the Christian appears to be on the losing side, but he most certainly is not. Jesus is Lord, and He is coming back to oust all that is evil and corrupted- including the unholy trinity of Dragon, Beast and Relgious Liar. So let us not squander our time puzzling over the possible manifestations of these grim characters, but rather look to and for Jesus Himself, which is Revelation's primary aim:
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Rev 22:12
Photo: Sinners Attire
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