Warm ye in Friendship

Several long, but profitable days spent studying the scriptures. Five x 1.5 hour sessions daily, poring over Daniel. Rewarding it was, but tiring, though the opportunity to rest and relax after all the concentration was another pleasure of the week. The Quinta is a large, Victorian house with several old-fashioned rooms, panelled walls and grand fireplaces. With several other pastors I sat afore the dancing flame, logs burning, pinecones crackling. One of our idle queries was the wording of the text carved above the hearth, above. It was neatly constructed, but the mason had allocated too much space for the first word, and not enough for the third and fourth, so it is the more cramped as one reads rightward.

Warm ye in friendship, it urged.

Warming by a fire on an autumnal evening, not unlike sharing a dish of food, is a genuine token of fellowship. It is why we Christians must meet together, not only for formal worship upon the Lord’s Day, but gathering in homes and cafes throughout the week. So go and spend your time with the Lord’s people, and desire their company. This does not exclude unconverted friends and family from our diaries -far from it, but friendship is always pleasanter when Christ is nearest. A log fire warms the limbs, but Christian camaraderie warms the spirit. 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1