Westhouse: Nothing but the Cross

I preached at Westhouse last week. It was great seeing the chapel packed out with teenagers, who listened well and led the meeting with skill. I commented on an illuminated cross over their pulpit. I was informed that it is never turned off; night-time passers-by will see nothing inside the chapel, but they’ll see the cross. What a great picture. I hope that whatever text I preach upon at Salem -no matter what the occasion, no matter what my mood- the cross of Christ shines forth. By all means switch off when I talk of Oliver Cromwell; feel free to yawn and day dream when I speak of myself. But please- behold the empty cross.

Charles Wesley wrote the hymn O Thou Who Hast Redeemed of Old:

O grant the eye of faith to see

The Man once pierced on Calvary,

    To know Thee Who Thou art—

The one eternal God and true!

And let the sight affect, subdue,

    And break my stubborn heart.


Lover of souls, to rescue mine,

Reveal the charity divine

    That suffered in my stead;

That made Thy soul a sacrifice,

And quenched in death those gracious eyes,

    And bowed that sacred head.