John Berridge
The above video is a talk given to us by Roger Carswell, one of our members, in Februaty 2021.
John Berridge
1 March 1716 − 22 January 1793, curate of Stapleford and Vicar of Everton (Beds).
Though an Anglican parson, he was an itinerant evangelist is the mould of John Wesley and George Whitfield, going about the country preaching salvation in Christ alone. Bishop Ryle said of him:
"There were few greater, better, holier, and more useful ministers a hundred years ago than old John Berridge."
One of his hymns, quoted by Roger, above:
1 Well, at length I plainly see,
Every man is vanity;
In his best and brightest form,
But a shadow or a worm.
2 Such a shade I am in view,
Empty, dark, and fleeting too;
Such a worm of nothing worth,
Crawling out and in the earth.
3 [Very foolish, very base,
Notwithstanding Jesus’ grace.
Murmuring oft for gospel-bread,
Growing wanton when full fed.]
4 [Brisk and dull in half an hour,
Hot and cold, and sweet and sour;
Sometimes grave at Jesus’ school,
Sometimes light, and play the fool.]
5 What a motley wretch am I!
Full of inconsistency!
Sure the plague is in my heart,
Else I could not act this part.
6 Let me come unto my Lord,
Self-condemnèd and abhorred;
Take the sinner’s safe retreat,
Lie and blush at Jesus’ feet.
7 [If my heart is broken well,
God will surely with me dwell;
Yet amazèd I would be,
How the Lord should dwell with me.]
Above is his grave. Picture taken by, and used with the permission of, David Earnshaw.