Usage of Images Policy

Safe Usage of Images Policy – Version 3



This policy was agreed at the Trustees’ Meeting on 29 August 2023 and at the Church Members’ Meeting on 18 September..


A copy of the policy will be maintained on the Church website. A hard copy may be requested via the Church Secretary.




All photographs which include children used on a Church website or for any other public display (such as a Church magazine) must reflect normal children’s activities and show the children fully clothed.


Photographs in which individual children can readily be identified may only be displayed on the Church’s website provided parents / carers have given specific written permission. We will, however, avoid using children’s names in photograph captions.


Larger group photographs in which children cannot readily be identified may be used on the website provided parents / carers have given general written permission for their children to be included in Church publicity.


This general permission must also be obtained by the Church before children’s images are used in magazines, posters, etc. or published by a third party, such as a local newspaper or a denominational magazine.


We will hold permission forms/documents securely and will dispose of them safely (after the child’s 18th birthday or six months after leaving the Church). We will not  use the forms for any other purposes and will not pass on information to any other person or organisation.


We will not:

  • allow photographers unsupervised access to children;
  • approve photography sessions outside the event or at a child’s home;
  • post images on any social networking websites.


Where professional photographers or the press are invited to a church event, the invitation will make clear the church’s expectations of them in relation to this policy.




Salem Congregational Chapel, Martin Top

Photography Consent Form




We recognise the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all children.


In accordance with our ‘Safe Usage of Images Policy’ we will not permit photographs, video or other images of children and young people to be taken without the consent of their parent, guardian or carer.


A copy of the Policy is attached, for your clarification.


Please indicate your level of consent by ticking the relevant button below.


Only at specific events (for which details will be provided in advance)                                             


For any event/activity or publicity organised by the Church                      




I  …………………….……………………………………….(parent/guardian/carer; use capital letters)


consent to Salem Congegational Chapel (Martin Top) photographing or videoing


(Name of child; use capital letters)………………………………………………………………………..



Signature ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


(Relationship to child)………………………………………………………………………………………...


Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………...




Please return to the Church Secretary at Martin Top. Thank you.