Matthew 16:13-19

Alan Marsden
Sunday, 9 August, 2020 - 10:45



16 With Gladness we Worship

1. With gladness we worship, 
rejoice as we sing,
Free hearts and free voices, 
how blessèd to bring!
The old thankful story 
shall seek Thine abode,
Thou King of all glory, 
most bountiful God!

2. Renewed by Thy Spirit, 
redeemed by Thy Son,
Thy children would bless Thee 
for all Thou hast done:
O Father, returning 
to love and to light,
Our spirits are yearning 
to praise Thee aright.

3. Thy right would we give Thee, 
true homage Thy due,
And honor eternal, 
the universe through:
With all Thy creation, 
earth, heaven and sea,
In one acclamation 
we glorify Thee.

4. We join with the angels, 
and so there is giv’n,
From earth, Alleluia, 
in answer to Heav’n.
Amen! Be Thou glorious 
below and above,
Redeeming, victorious, 
and infinite Love!

463 Only in Thee

Only in Thee, O Saviour mine,
Dwelleth my soul in peace divine,
Peace that the world, tho’ all combine,
Never can take from me.
Pleasures of earth, so seemingly sweet,
Fail at the last my longings to meet:
Only in Thee my bliss is complete,
Only, dear Lord, in Thee!

Only in Thee a radiance bright,
Shines like a beacon in the night,
Guiding my pilgrim barque aright,
Over life’s trackless sea!
Only in Thee, when troubles molest,
When with temptation I am oppressed,
There is a sweet pavilion of rest,
Only, dear Lord, in Thee!

Only in Thee, when days are drear,
When neither sun nor stars appear –
Still I can trust and feel no fear,
Sing when I cannot see!
Only in Thee, whatever betide,
All of my need is freely supplied;
There is no help or helper beside,
Only, dear Lord, in Thee!

Only in Thee, dear Saviour slain,
Losing Thy life my own to gain;
Trusting, I’m cleansed from every stain –
Thou art my only plea!
Only in Thee my heart will delight,
Till in that land where cometh no night,
Faith will be lost in heavenly sight –
Only, dear Lord, in Thee!

Thomas O Chisholm

684 We come unto our fathers' God

We come unto our fathers’ God;
Their Rock is our salvation;
Th’eternal arms, their dear abode,
We make our habitation:
We bring Thee, Lord, the praise they brought;
We seek Thee as Thy saints have sought
In ev’ry generation.

The fire divine, their steps that led,
Still goeth bright before us;
The heavenly shield around them spread
Is still high holden o’er us;
The grace those sinners that subdued,
The strength those weaklings that renewed,
Doth vanquish, doth restore us.

The cleaving sins that brought them low
Are still our souls oppressing;
The tears that from their eyes did flow
Fall fast, our shame confessing;
As with Thee, Lord, prevailed their cry,
So our strong prayer ascends on high
And bringeth down Thy blessing.

Their joy unto their Lord we bring;
Their song to us descendeth;
The Spirit who in them did sing
To us His music lendeth;
His song in them, in us, is one;
We raise it high, we send it on,
The song that never endeth.

Ye saints to come, take up the strain,
The same sweet theme endeavour:
Unbroken be the golden chain;
Keep on the song for ever;
Safe in the same dear dwelling place,
Rich with the same eternal grace,
Bless the same boundless Giver.

Thomas Hornblower Gill

679 Christ the Foundation 

Christ is the foundation
Of the house we raise;
Be its walls salvation,
And its gateways praise:
May its threshold lowly
To the Lord be dear;
May the hearts be holy
That shall worship here.

Here the vow be sealèd
By Thy Spirit, Lord;
Here the sick be healèd,
And the lost restored;
Here the broken-hearted
Thy forgiveness prove;
Here the friends long parted
Be restored to love.

Here may every token
Of Thy presence be;
Here may chains be broken,
Prisoners here set free;
Here may light illumine
Every soul of Thine,
Lifting up the human,
Into the divine.

Here may God the Father,
Christ the Saviour – Son,
With the Holy Spirit
Be adored as One;
Till the whole creation
At Thy footstool fall,
And in adoration
Own Thee Lord of all.

John S B Monsell