Simon, Simon (Luke 22:24-34)
Sunday, 29 March, 2020 - 18:00
(Click each song to play.)
- Oh, how sweet the glorious message
- And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee?
- A good High Priest is come
Yesterday, Today, for Ever
Oh, how sweet the glorious message, simple faith may claim;
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same.
Still He loves to save the sinful, heal the sick and lame;
Cheer the mourner, still the tempest, Glory to His name!
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same,
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name,
Glory to His name, Glory to His name.
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name.
2. Him who pardoned erring Peter, never need'st thou fear;
He that came to faithless Thomas, all thy doubt will clear.
He who let the loved disciple on his bosom rest,
Bids thee still, with love as tender, lean upon His breast.
3. He who 'mid the raging billows, walked upon the sea;
Still can hush our wildest tempest, as on Galilee.
He who wept and prayed in anguish, in Gethsemane,
Drinks with us each cup of trembling, in our agony.
4. As of old He walked to Emmaus, with them to abide;
So through all life's way he walketh, ever near our side.
Soon again shall we behold Him, hasten, Lord, the day!
But 'twill still be "this same Jesus", as He went away.
And didst Thou love the race
1. And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee?
And didst Thou take to heaven a human brow?
Dost plead with man's voice by the marvellous sea?
Art Thou his kinsman now?
2. Oh God, oh Kinsman, loved, but not enough!
Oh Man, with eyes majestic after death!
Whose feet have toiled along our pathways rough,
Whose lips drawn human breath!
3. By that one likeness which is ours and Thine,
By that one nature which doth hold us kin,
By that high heaven where, sinless, Thou dost shine
To draw us sinners in:
4. By Thy last silence in the judgement hall,
By long foreknowledge of the deadly tree,
By darkness, by the wormwood and the gall,
I pray Thee, visit me.
5. Come, lest this heart should, cold and cast away,
Die ere the guest adored she entertain -
Lest eyes that never saw Thine earthly day
Should miss Thy heavenly reign.
A Good High Priest is Come
1. A good High Priest is come
Supplying Aaron's place,
And taking up his room,
Dispensing life and grace.
The law of Aaron's priesthood came,
But grace and truth by Jesus' name.
2. He once temptations knew,
And woes of every kind,
That He might succour show
To every tempted mind:
In every point the Lamb was tried
Like us, and then for us He died.
3. He died, but lives again,
And by the altar stands;
There shows how He was slain,
Opening His pierced hands:
Our Priest abides, and pleads our cause,
Transgressors of His righteous laws.
4. I other priests disclaim,
Their laws and offerings too;
None but the bleeding Lamb
The mighty work can do;
He shall have all the praise,
For He hath loved, and lived, and died for me.