Two Different Characters: 1 Kings 1:1-27

Alan Marsden
Sunday, 4 October, 2020 - 10:45

1 Thou dear Redeemer dying Lamb,
We love to hear of thee:
No music's like thy charming name,
Nor half so sweet can be.

2 O let us ever hear thy voice,
In mercy to us speak,
And in our Priest we will rejoice,
Thou great Melchisedeck.

3 Our Jesus shall be still our theme,
While in this world we stay,
We'll sing our Jesu's lovely name,
When all things else decay:

4 When we appear in yonder cloud,
With all thy favored throng,
then will we sing more sweet, more loud,
And Christ shall be our song

John Cennick


Alone upon the mount of God I stand,
With silenced heart His voice to hear;
’Tis love itself hath led this hungry soul
Unto the place of vision clear.

How wonderful amid this hush divine,
Entranced, God’s beauty to behold;
To wait whilst deep with deep doth meet and merge,
And love its secrets doth unfold.

Within the shadow of almighty love,
This soul at last hath found its home,
Embosomed in the faithfulness of Him
From whom it nevermore shall roam.

O blessèd heights of fellowship with God,
Where love creative reigns supreme,
And springs of never-failing healing rise,
To gladden, strengthen and redeem.

O heart of God, Thy grace and tenderness
Now wraps this ravished soul around;
No human mind could e’er conceive the joy
In fellowship with Thee here found.

E.C.W. Boulton


Jesus, let Thy splendour
Like a mantle fall,
On this waiting spirit,
Whilst I yield Thee all;
Clothe me with Thy beauty,
Bathe me in Thy will,
And with life triumphant
All my nature fill.

Fellowship with Jesus,
This is victory,
They who own His Lordship
Know true liberty.

Give to me a vision
Reaching to the throne.
Let me see earth’s problems
In that light alone;
’Tis Thy Word assures me
All shall work for good,
Things that long have baffled
Soon be understood.

Blessèd cross of Jesus,
I Thy power would prove,
’Neath Thy shadow living,
Naught this soul shall move.
Sanctify me wholly,
Purge from every stain;
All that makes for bondage,
Let it now be slain.

Fired with holy passion,
Moved by urge divine,
What shall henceforth hinder
Vict’ry being mine?
Men may raise their war-cry,
Lift their standards high,
But before love’s challenge
Each vain thought shall fly.

E.C.W. Boulton


1. Saviour, long Thy saints have waited—
Centuries have passed away
Since the promise first was given
Of a glorious Advent day.
Grey and old the world is growing,
Loud the scoffer’s boast is heard;
But our hearts are peaceful knowing
We may rest upon Thy word.

2. Lo! the fig tree buds and blossoms;
Lo! the shadows flee away;
Glad we lift our heads expectant,
Brief will now be Thy delay.
Thou to raise the dead art able,
O’er the grave Thou didst prevail;
Heav’n and earth may prove unstable,
But Thy word can never fail. 

3. Precious, precious parting promise!
Sweetly linger in our ears,
Brightly gleam amid our darkness,
Gently soothe away our fears;
Ever nerve us for the conflict,
Ever fill our souls with joy;
Christ will come and will not tarry—
Nothing can our hope destroy.

F.E. Guiness