We All Succumb To The Molten Core (2016)

Glenn Brown’s 2016 In The End We All Succumb To The Pull Of The Molten Core is a curious ink and acrylic on board, and hangs at Newcastle’s Laing Art Gallery. Influenced by 17th century Italian art, the spinning head has two faces, one young and one old, each looking in opposite directions. Its rather clunky title suggests that the transition of youth to dotage is inevitable, with demise and death (the molten core) claiming us all in due time. So enjoy your youth while you have it, and remember it fondly while you have mind enough to recall. We all eventally succumb in the end, but some of us have a Saviour who offers greater meaning and life eternal, while others refuse Him, seemingly content with ailing bodies and declining minds.

He gives power to the weak,

And to those who have no might He increases strength.

Even the youths shall faint and be weary,

And the young men shall utterly fall,

But those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength;

They shall mount up with wings like eagles,

They shall run and not be weary,

They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:29-31, New King James Version