Crowning Wisdom: Württemberg

The Crown of Württemberg is an attractive, eight-arched headdress of a typically Germanic design. Made for the kings of Württemberg in 1806, its symbolic useage came to an end after the Great War with the fall of the various German monarchies. The House of Württemberg continues, however, and is led by 30-year-old Wilhelm Friedrich Carl Philipp Albert Nikolaus Erich Maria Herzog, who seems to occupy himself with managing the old family estate. Whatever pleasure and satisfaction this gives him, the old family crown is no longer his to hold.

Although Adam’s progeny retained the earth which had been given to him to rule, the jewel in the crown- a loving relationship with its Living Creator- is all but denied us. We tend the fields and eat the produce, we even walk the mountains and swim in its seas, but the real treasures of eternal life are denied us. Only Christ can restore what Adam lost; only He can bestow a crown which our grandfather so readily threw away. 

Where He displays His healing power
Death and the curse are known no more;
In Him the tribes of Adam boast
More blessings than their father lost.

-Isaac Watts