Accelerate Your Church's Growth!
Accelerate Your Church's Growth! Apply For An Implementation Game-Plan Call Now! You will also multiply your team, finances, and overall ministry impact:
✔️Double your volunteers...
✔️See increased giving...
✔️Build a life-giving culture...
✔️Increase your first-time guests...
✔️Get them coming back...
✔️Build a consistent discipleship process that sees people become mature disciples of Jesus!
Thus spake the advert targeted at ‘lead pastors’ which came my way. Am I a lead pastor? I have no team of junior pastors below me, but then I have no high-up, exalted chief executive over me, so maybe I am.
300 to 1000: Six Steps To Rapidly Get Your Church Unstuck and Growing!
Yes, poor me! I’m stuck with only 300 people. What a loser I must be, and my church too. If only I had a thousand. I watched some of Michael Murphy’s video. Among other things, this wise old sage declares:
“You have to have strategic schedule, and not just a busy schedule.”
There was lots of this kind of thing. There was little mention of Jesus Christ and preaching the good news of forgiveness to sinners. It mentioned strategies, growth plans, leadership styles and vision- but not the gospel. Of course, the organiser of this Church Growth Game Plan would look down at our little church which can barely muster fifty. The five mega-church pastors whose grinning testimonials fill the page’s lower portion, would pity so poor a minister. Yet something tells me it is better to pastor a few who would hear the truth, than many who simply want their ears tickled and to feel good about themselves. Churches grow because the Holy Spirit converts, and disciples are both made and taught. It is Jesus Christ who will build His church- the true church, not some large pseudo-mega-church, which makes you feel great but does nothing for your soul. You might enjoy its music and various programmes, but your unrepentant, carnal self is still as fit for hell as ever it was. You were told that God has a wonderful plan for you, that He desires to make you grow and shower you with blessing, that He seeks to equip you to fulfill your ambitions. But you were never covered by the blood of Calvary or trusted in His finished work. You were hoodwinked, deceived, led astray, but it’s okay, because the church in which this happened was huge and dynamically led.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. 2 Timothy 4:3
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