Evangelist Wanted
This post was filled.
The members of Salem Congregational Chapel, Martin Top, are interested to appoint a part-time evangelist for a 12-month period.
Our Church
We are a small evangelical chapel with around 40 regular worshippers on a Sunday morning. The chapel is in a rural location, and many of our regulars travel some distance. Our theology is conservative and our worship style fairly traditional. We have two services on Sunday and 2-5 mid-week meetings; these include prayer meetings and Bible Study. We have grown over the past few years, but this has mainly been through migrations from other churches. The chapel’s governance can be found on the website, as well as our constitution.
What we are Looking for
Someone who can lead our evangelism. Although we anticipate working with you, we do not just want someone to tell us how to do it - we want someone who is ‘hands-on’. This could be door-to-door work, street work, plugging special events, or something else; we will be open to your suggestions. We currently have no or little youthwork; as we only have one family with two pre-school children, it is probably fair to say that there is not currently an immediate need in that area. We are generally open minded in this regard and would be led by the successful candidate’s own strengths. We would therefore welcome expressions of interest from anyone who would like to be considered for the role.
Start Date
It is anticipated that the appointed person would begin on the 1st December 2021 or 1st January 2022, though there is flexibility.
The chapel anticipates remunerating the evangelist around £5000 for the year, with the expectation of at least a day a week or fortnight being offered to the chapel. This would be on a self-employed basis. The pastor is willing to offer a spare bedroom to anyone not local. A modest budget will also be given for whatever materials the appointed person will require, eg literature and advertising.
To Apply
Please send a CV and/or a cover letter as well as what you feel you can offer to pastor@martintop.org.uk. Interested persons would be well advised to visit the chapel beforehand, to consider our location among other things. This can be arranged informally, though a more formal meeting with the deacons might be arranged at the start of October.
We hope to hear from interested persons by the close of September. Names and details would be forwarded to the church members who will make the final decision at the Church Meeting held on 11th October 2021.