Grow in what God is Doing
The Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry continues to target me with its online ads, thinking me likely to respond to its cooing overtures:
Is supernatural healing possible by the power of God? Can we walk in miracles, signs and wonders as part of our everyday life? What would happen if you gave God 2 nights a week for 9 months?
Yes, it’s possible, though if miracles were a part of our everyday life, they’d hardly be miraculous. Signs and wonders are not typically around today- God uses the foolishness of preaching, not the foolishness of charlatans. God rather wants 7 nights a week for however many years He gives us- but without the $2000 tuition fees.
What if the supernatural became a part of our everyday reality? What if miracles, signs and wonders became our new normal? What if there was MORE to Christianity than just going to church once a week?
It is a lacklustre, lazy Christian, who thinks following Christ is no more than surrendering an hour on a Sunday morning. To think this is the sum of ‘Christianity’ is to deny Christ’s lordship. Anyone who truly thinks that way needs more than an online How-to-perform-miracles course, he needs to get saved.
At Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry Online, this new normal is possible! We’re all navigating through new challenges, but God is faithful through it all. Scripture says: The Joy of the Lord is our strength!
He also warns us against smooth-talking vipers who infiltrate churches, leading many astray.
Come, be a part of a family and community to unlock your dreams, gifting and identity like you’ve never imagined! God is writing a story, and you’re in it! He will not leave you wondering what’s next….
Ah, the cat emerges from the bag. I surrender my dreams, goals and ambitions to Him. It is no longer what I want, but what He wants. “Thy will be done”, the true Christian says. “My will be done”, insists the charlatan.
If you have it in your heart to grow in what God is doing, apply now for GCSSM, starting August 16th, and save on tuition!
If you have in your heart to grow in what God is doing:
- Read the Bible
- Pray
- Attend a local church
- Get involved
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