Peddling Adios
One Pedro Adao has featured on my social media feed: ·
FREE, LIVE CHALLENGE: Learn the Kingdom keys for launching, growing, or scaling your income, influence, and impact as a Kingdom Entrepreneur… during my FREE, 3-day 4:14 Challenge ($497 Value). Just as Esther was challenged to take a stand in the face of a crisis… I believe that we are also being challenged to rise up, take a stand, and GROW the Kingdom in the face of the looming financial crisis. I believe that you were MADE for such a time as this… and I want to help you prosper in your Kingdom assignment. Grab your spot in the FREE 4:14 Challenge today
Mr Adao explains:
I believe this coming financial crisis will be the greatest opportunity for Kingdom People...Sons and Daughters Of expand the Kingdom, by rising to prominence and prosperity in their Kingdom assignment.
This patter has all the features of worldly marketing:
You’re getting something great, either reduced or free: ($497 Value).
Time is short, so act soon: Grab your spot in the FREE 4:14 Challenge today
Significant personal benefit: and I want to help you prosper in your Kingdom assignment.
This appeals to me, naturally, so I clicked the link:
In this 3-day LIVE and highly-interactive challenge I will share with you the exact step-by-step Kingdom Entrepreneurship Framework that has allowed me to create massive kingdom impact and income beyond my wildest imagination.
Mr Adao claims to be a believer, and repeatedly refers to Biblical figures and how God used them for ‘the kingdom’. He tells us that they had access to ‘the hidden framework’, which Mr Adao has presumably rediscovered, used by
…Esther, Joseph, David and modern day Kingdom Impact Makers that were propelled to prominence in a For Such A Time As This Moment.
Of our host himself, we are told that he is an
...8-Figure Kingdom Entrepreneur. From having $0 sales online in 2018 to now generating over $40M in revenue by 2022.
It sounds to me like just another get-rich-quick scheme, but with the word ‘kingdom’ scattered about and a few Bible characters interspersing the pitch. When one comes across an offer like this, one needs to ask whether it is appealing to our old, worldly natures ('the flesh', or 'the old man'), or our new hearts being sanctified by the Spirit. If the former, flee. If the latter, embrace.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
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