Borrowed Jag
At last! I finally got behind the wheel of my favourite make of car, the Jaguar. She was quite elderly but like a dowager countess, lacked none of her original dignity. Sadly, of course, I was only borrowing it, sitting behind the wheel while the owner looked on. Yet this is the case with all possessions. Even if I had completed the paperwork and purchased the car, I am only borrowing it for a period of time determined by God’s providence. Like ancient Israelite land deals immediately after the conquest, property and possessions are leased, not held for ever. Think about it: everything you own is given to you for a fixed term. One day, it will be surrendered to another. Only what you have in Christ cannot be snatched back by death’s icy reach.
Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Phil 3:8, NJKV
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