Windows of Askham Church
I recently called at the church of St Peter at Askham, near Lowther Castle, Westmorland. Sadly, it was locked, despite neighbouring churches being left open. Yet one of its more interesting features, which I was able to inspect from without almost as well as from within, were the windows that appear to be filled by crinkled glass. Designed by Sir Robert Smirke in 1832, the leaded windows have small diamond panes set at angles to catch the light at any time of day or season. I was unable to test this on account of the doors holding fast, but it is an interesting concept, and a useful feature, if it works.
Light in the Bible if often a picture of spiritual truth or knowledge, in the sense that we may describe one as having been enlightened for having gained some information. From where we obtain our light is of vital importance. The Bible is our source of light and knowledge, but there are those who seek it from other directions, not just from above. In another context, the Lord Jesus even spoke of some light being dark:
But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Matthew 6:23
Beware of your sources of light and truth. Feelings come and go; prophets speak lies; the world deceives and traditions can err. Only God's word is a pure light in which there is no darkness at all.
The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. Psalm 119:130
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