The Emperor's Visit

I enjoyed the scenes last week of the Japanese Emperor and Empress meeting our King and Queen. His Majesty Naruhito has even fewer powers than Charles courtesy of the 1947 constitution, yet I was curious about the title emperor, which technically outranks a king. An emperor rules territories other than that of his principal kingdom. On account of defeat in the 1945, Japan lost her empire, while Britain retained a small share of her own. Thus, Charles III is head of state in 15 nations; one wonders why it is Charles who is not styled as emperor and Naruhito as king. The distinctions are probably semantic for in both great island nations, the real power is vested in the people’s representatives.

When two monarchs and their consorts meet, there is a sense of a meeting of equals, regardless of the emperor-king distinction. Yet when Christ Jesus returns, there shall be none to meet Him on equal terms, for He shall outshine, outstrip and out-glory all others. Even the angels are but flickering candles before His sun...and to think that He calls us His friends!

Image by 경복 김 from Pixabay